Join us for worship on Sundays at 8:30am and 10:30am



💎Dave’s Diamond: “Bridge”💎
“The bridge is out, you have to go a different way.” These words were spoken to a friend of mine who lives outside of Asheville, North Carolina. The bridge was recently damaged by Hurricane Helene and the 15 inches of rain that fell in that area. According to my friend, “going a different way” meant adding an hour to her commute to and from work. What would normally take 15 minutes was now going to take her over an hour. The bridge provided the easiest, fastest, and most efficient way for her to get to work.
We also have a bridge that provides the easiest, fastest, and most efficient way to get to heaven. The bridge that I am referring to is not made out of trusses and girders, steel and pilings, but simply made out of two pieces of wood. The cross provides a way for us to get across the great chasm of sin that separates us from God. The apostle Paul writes in Galatians 3:13-14, “But Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing.” We are rescued and redeemed by the cross and given a way across the great divide of sin.
I am grateful for Christ who gives us a way to receive eternal life. What an amazing gift this is to receive and share with others. Stay strong and encouraged in your faith. --Dave

💎Dave’s Diamond: “Source”💎
“Hey Dave, there’s water down here,” Vicki yelled up from the basement of our house last Sunday night. Those were the last words I wanted to hear as I was sitting on the couch watching in the final minutes of the game between the Cowboys and Steelers. I made my way downstairs and found some water that was covering portions of our carpeted basement. Squish, shish, shish was the sound of my feet on the damp carpet. Where could the water be coming from? I checked the floor drains, the water heater, and the wall clean out—all likely places to start in search of the unwelcomed water. I then moved on to the dishwasher drain, the washing machine line, and the hose bib to our outside faucet. I checked the sprinkler system. Still no trace of water. I did a load of laundry, ran the dishwasher, and ran the sprinklers through all of the zones trying to replicate the source. Still no sign. I got out the Shop Vac and vacuumed up as much water as I could and turned on several fans. I finally gave up and went to bed.
The next morning I got up and once again found water in the basement. Where could this be coming from? My frustration was mounting. Again I went through the progression of checking every possible source of water leakage and drainage. As I went outside to check on the sprinkler system once again, that is when I heard a low grade hissing noise. I dug down beneath the gravel and dirt and found a small leak. There is was! Not so obvious, but none the less damaging.
As I think of our water issue, I can’t help but think about the nature of sin. Jesus reminds us that the source of sin is generated within our hearts (Matthew 15:19). Sin is manifested in many ways, but the source comes from the heart. Once I got to the source of the leak, a faulty PVC fitting, our water problems were solved.  The source of our anger, frustration, addictions, and ungodly behaviors usually stems from an unhealthy heart. I invite you to get to the source and work on repairing the problem. Proverbs 4:23 encourages us with these words, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Stay strong and encouraged in your faith. --Dave

💎 Dave’s Diamond: “Grief”💎

One of the best definitions of grief that I have come across is “the distance between expectations and reality.” Grief is the difference between “I thought this was going to happen” to “This has happened.” As popular psychologist Dr. John Delony describes, it is the difference between pictures and reality: I had pictured life going this way, but reality turned out to be much different. It is in this dichotomy that we find the emotion of grief. Grief can happen in a variety of situations and circumstances. We grieve the loss of loved ones, pets, and jobs. The emotion of grief can settle in as a result of an accident, injury, transition, or life change. It happens to all of us, regardless of age, gender, or religious affiliation. There is a beautiful verse in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 that suggests as people of faith that we do not grieve like others, but rather we grieve with hope. The line between expectations and reality can be devastating and debilitating, but when you can look ahead and see something greater in the distance, we are given hope. Will I ever get through this? Will this pain ever come to an end? Will my sorrow ever subside? As people of faith we can answer yes because hope moves us forward a little step at a time and a little closer to the coming of the Lord.  Perhaps you are experiencing a season of grief. As you drive through that fog of despair, remember that the sun will rise and the clouds will subside. Allow the hope of God to continue to move you forward with God’s power and peace. Stay strong and encouraged in your faith. --Dave


💎Dave’s Diamond: “Wonderfully Made”💎
We are reminded in Psalm 139:14 that we are “wonderfully made.” I love the word “wonderfully” because it conveys a sense of excitement, creativity, and joy. Webster defines wonderfully as something that is extremely well. Not just well, or ho-hum, or just okay, but extremely well. The image that continues to come back to me as I think about “wonderfully made” was a paper-mâché Santa Claus Christmas card holder that I made for my parents in the 4th grade. I worked on it for what seemed like months: molding it, painting it, and then presenting it to my parents at Christmas. I was so happy to give it to them because I knew of the time and effort I took to create that extravagant piece of art. (I’m sure it was not that great, but in my mind it was magnificent.)
It was with joy, excitement, and creativity that God made you and crafted you together just as you are. I know it’s hard to come to terms with this fact because most of us don’t think very highly of ourselves. Our self-esteem, over the years, has been squashed by people and experiences and we tend to hold on to the hurts of the past.
But, let these words sink in…you were wonderfully made. You are unique, special, valuable, a one-of-a-kind original. Lighten up on yourself and live a life of joy and creativity, living out the design that God created in you in the first place. Stay strong and encouraged in your faith. --Dave

💎Dave’s Diamond: “Picked”💎
“I’ll take Jim…I’ll take Steve…I’ll take Brian…I’ll take Jeff” and back and forth it went while I stood in line waiting for my name to be called. And with each name called that wasn’t David, my posture slipped and my emotions dipped. We all have been there, picked over like a bruised banana in the produce bin. Maybe it wasn’t for a kickball game, like my experience years ago. Perhaps you were picked over for a promotion, raise, award, scholarship, job, or relationship.
It might surprise you, but you were God’s first pick. That’s right! We are told in Ephesians 1:4, “God picked you before the creation of the world.” This is an incredible verse and I invite you to allow these words to sink deep within your soul. Before the mountains were formed and the rivers were put in motion, before the trees were planted and the sun set in place, God had you in mind. You matter, you are significant, you are worth it!
It’s easy to get down and discouraged and fall into despair. But, be encouraged by these words in Ephesians. God called your name and he called you first! --Dave

💎Dave’s Diamond: “Worth”💎

I mowed up a $20 dollar bill last week. Apparently it had fallen out of my pocket and I saw it just a fraction of a second before it disappeared under the mowing deck. By then it was too late to back up and reverse my course. The bill ran through the blades, the shoot, and into the hopper. I thought for sure it was a goner, shredded into oblivion. But to my surprise, as I opened the hopper to empty the grass, I found two of the larger pieces of the bill and was able to tape them back together and trade it in for a fresh bill at the bank. You see, even though it was battered and bruised, torn in two and written off, it still had value.
Ever feel this way? Ever feel like you have been run over by a mower? Ran through a shoot and hopper? Written off and depleted? Most of us have been there! Perhaps a relationship has left you this way, or a job, a DUI, financial mistake, or a lapse of judgment. The great thing about the Lord is that he is in the redemption business. Just when you think your life is over and your value has been compromised we are reminded, “In Christ we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our sins, according to the riches of his grace” (Ephesians 1:7).
This verse gives us hope as it reminds us that we have value and worth and that we have been redeemed by the Lord. Don’t let the world keep you down. May these words penetrate ours heart and soul as the Lord puts us back together and gives us value and worth. --Dave


💎Dave’s Diamond: “The Rest of the Story”💎

Paul Harvey was a favorite to many of us and his “The Rest of the Story” feature was iconic radio for many, many years. These segments would give us some kind of behind the scenes insight into a person’s life, usually some unknown or obscure twist or turn in their life’s story. These segments would often leave us a little surprised, gaining a better knowledge or understanding of a person.

What’s neat about being a Christian is that “the rest of the story” is still being written in our lives. We are a continued work in progress and the story of our lives continues to unfold with each new day. The apostle Paul shares this feeling in Philippians 1:6 as he writes, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

We are neither a finished product nor a completed storyline. We all have growing to do in our faith and we all can strive to love deeper, share more, and develop a greater appreciation for the Lord and others. Perhaps God is nudging you to do something different, something that is going to push you out of your comfort zone or interrupt your routine. It’s easy to become complacent in our faith, following the same patterns year after year. Know that God is not done with you yet and wants to continue to work in your life. “The rest of the story” continues to be written in your life and may God use you for his glory and purpose. --Dave

💎Dave’s Diamond: “Happy Anniversary”💎
This coming Sunday, September 1 marks the beginning of our 15th year together. Vicki and I are blessed to be a part of our church family and I am honored to serve as your pastor. I love my role as your pastor and the way that I have been invited into your lives through funerals, weddings, baptisms, hospital calls, counseling sessions, children’s and youth ministry, small groups, committee meetings, and worship. During the past 14 years, you have helped me grow as a husband, father, and pastor and I hope I have reciprocated this in a small way. Since graduating from seminary in 1996, I have been very fortunate to be apart of two amazing churches: the first in Jamestown, North Dakota, where I served from 1996-2010 and the second being the one here in Billings.
The Bible verse that comes to mind as we mark another anniversary milestone is from Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi. He writes, “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now” (Philippians 1:3-5). Like Paul, I feel that we have developed a great partnership in mission and ministry. It’s exciting to see our church grow, both in numbers and in spiritual depth. One of my goals this fall is to help you grow in your personal relationship with Christ and my Sunday school class and sermons will be geared toward this purpose. I am excited for what lies ahead and appreciate the ministry we share in Christ. Happy anniversary! --Dave

💎Dave’s Diamond: “Lump”💎
I admit that I had a lump in my throat when Vicki and I said our goodbyes to Erin on Tuesday afternoon in front of Hapner Hall on the campus of Montana State University. We have been through this moment two previous times with Sara and John and I thought I was going to handle it like a seasoned veteran. Boy, I was wrong. Transitions are hard. Leaving kids off at college, leaving a job, leaving a community, or even deeper, leaving a loved one at a cemetery is painful. Yes, I am excited for Erin as she begins a new chapter in her life, but this transition marks the end of a 26 year run for Vicki and I of having a child at home. The house will be quieter and cleaner, but won’t be the same. Part of me is happy and part of me is hurting.
When we say goodbye to important people in our lives we know that life won’t be the same. I love how Jesus comes into that moment and helps with the hurt. In a very special verse in Psalm 34:18, the Lord reminds us that he is close to the brokenhearted. Close…not far away, not distant, not removed. The Lord is close to those whose hearts have been broken.
On our way home from Bozeman we called Erin and she told us about some new friends she had met, about a Christian event she was invited to, and her RA who is a second year nursing student, sharing her same major. It’s like the Lord was reminding Vicki and I that I am close to you and even better, I’m going before you in this time of transition. I am grateful for you and the connection we have in Christ and am grateful for a God who holds us close. --Dave

💎Dave’s Diamond: “Frustrations”💎
Do you ever get frustrated? What gets your goat, causes you to fly off the handle, or gets you hot under the collar? Yes, as Christians we can experience these emotions that cause us to act in ways that might bring embarrassment or shame. It’s easy to allow frustrations to alter our Christ-like attitudes. Just this week I experienced frustration when my computer wouldn’t connect to the internet; when a flat tire delayed our travel plans; and when I hit every red light on my way across town to an important meeting. Maybe for you it’s the weather, your family, or the traffic. I can sense some heads nodding in agreement.  Frustrations are a part of life and how we deal with them can set us apart from others. In one of my all time favorite verses, Jesus reminds us, “In this world you will have trouble. But be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). I love the fact that Jesus reminds us that everything will not always go our way or fall into place. Yes, you will experience frustrations with life, Jesus says. But, I love the word but in this verse. But be of good cheer, or in the original Greek, “cheer up” for I have overcome the world. The next time you wait at a red light, experience a flat tire, or roll your eyes at technology behaving badly, remember that we are on a journey with the great Overcomer who cheers us along and gives us a peace that is far beyond what the world can give. Be forward looking, knowing that your temporary frustrations will not last. Stay encouraged in your faith! --Dave
💎Dave’s Diamonds: “Recharge”💎

Our family just returned from a fun weekend in Denver where we took in a concert, rode scooters around the downtown district, swam at the hotel, and ate at several restaurants not found in Billings. The trip, as with most trips, was not without a hiccup along the way. Our vehicle’s alternator gave out just as we pulled into the hotel’s parking lot on Friday evening. The first indication that something was haywire was when the battery light flashed intermittently for about ten minutes. The flash gave way to a solid light, followed by other signs that things were not going in the right direction. The headlights began to fade, the car radio stopped working, and the power windows went kaput. I leaned over at Vicki and said, “We are losing our alternator.” “How do you know?” she asked. “Because unfortunately I have experienced this before.”  The alternator has a very important role—to recharge the battery while the engine is running. When the alternator goes, so does the battery, and everything that is supplied by its power—windows, lights, radio, door locks, power steering, brakes, transmission, etc. No alternator, no go.
What powers your life? What recharges your battery? There is a great verse in Psalm 23 where we are told, “He restores my soul” (Psalm 23:3). Jesus serves a purpose much like the alternator in your vehicle, supplying power and energy to our soul. Trust in God’s power, provisions, and promises and He will supply us with the energy and strength to make it through the day. --Dave
💎Dave’s Diamonds:  “Golf”💎
As our church’s 5th annual golf tournament tees off this Saturday morning, I have golf on my mind. Billy Graham said, “a golf course is an island of peace in a world often full of confusion and turmoil.” It was actually on a golf course where Billy Graham made a pact with God to devote his life of service to the Lord. Many, like Rev. Graham, find a golf course to be a place of solace and renewal. (The way I play golf, I often find it to be a place of frustration, mulligans, and divots. 😊) Where do you go to find renewal for your soul, to get away from it all, and to recharge your spiritual batteries? For some of you it is working in your garden, spending time at a lake, being in nature, or playing a round of golf. However you see fit, it is good to take some time to get away and recharge your inner self. Jesus knew the importance of self-care as he often got away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd to renew his soul. We are told in Mark 1:35, “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” In a world where noise seems to fill our days, clutter seems to fill our surroundings, and activities seem to fill our schedules, be sure to find a place where you can experience peace amid the confusion and turmoil of life. Take some time today to be with the Lord to renew your soul.  --Dave

 ðŸ’ŽDave’s Diamonds:  “Crockpot”💎
I greatest appliance ever invented, in my opinion, is the microwave. I know the importance of refrigerators, dish washers, ovens, and insta-pots, but I believe the microwave is the king of the kitchen. Within a matter of a few minutes you can cook up hot dogs, mac & cheese, potatoes, and popcorn. You can warm up last night’s leftovers in no time flat. I like quick and easy when it comes to cooking, and the microwave fits my style. Others of you don’t share this same opinion as me, and that’s ok. Some of you like the marinade, slow cook, and roasting options to cooking.  From a spiritual point a view, the crockpot is a better method for spiritual development than the microwave. Too often people who come to faith quickly will leave just as quick. Jesus appreciated the slow cook, marinade, and crock pot method to developing our faith. In his parable of the growing seed in Mark 4:26-29 Jesus reminds us, “All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, and then the full kernel in the head.” Slowly, methodically, and intentionally faith is developed over time, just as grain is developed in a field. My faith continues to develop and grow and I hope your faith is doing the same. God continues to do a good work in all of us and awaits its completion until the day of Christ. May God bless you in these days as you grow in your faith and allow God’s promises to marinate in your life.  –Dave

💎Dave’s Diamonds:  “Alongside”💎
Our church is hosting a summer program for children of refugee families who have recently resettled in Billings. These families have come to Billings to escape political, social, economic, and religious tensions in their home countries. They have been fully vetted and are assimilating into our community through work, schools, and local resources. The kids in the program have very little English and many volunteers are coming alongside of them to provide them support during this time of transition. I am grateful that our church can provide a place where they can come to learn skills and help them gain abilities before the start of the school year in the fall.
We are reminded in Hebrews 13:16, “Do good and share with others. Be generous and help those in need. It’s what God would love.” May we come alongside of those who need our help and support. May we continue to look for ways that we can reach out to assist others. May God continue to give us the energy and insight to be of help to others and may God’s blessings be upon you on this day! --Dave

💎Dave’s Diamonds: “Freedom”💎
Happy 4th of July to you and your families! The apostle Paul writes in Galatians 5:1, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” What an incredible gift this is for you and me. We are free! Free from the burden of sin; free from the shame of guilt; free from all of our past failures and foibles. We are free! Let that sink in and feel the weight of the world come off your shoulders. It is no longer up to you to carry the load, to be the super-parent, to hold everything together or to act like you have it all together. It is Christ who has set us free. Repeat this sentence several times and exhale with each passing. Dr. John Delony, in his best-selling book “Building a Non-Anxious Life,” suggests that choosing freedom is one of six daily choices we can make to develop a non-anxious life. Choosing to live free of worry, debt, clutter, stress is a daily choice that will help us to live a healthier and happier life. What is even better is Jesus helps us with this transition. He takes on our burden, shame, worry, and stress and carries the weight of the world for us. All we have to do is ask him and allow him to do so.  As we celebrate the 4th, I would encourage you to let some things go from your past and begin to live a life of freedom. Lighten up, smile, relax, and enjoy the grace that God has given you. Bask in the wonder of Christ’s love and redemption and remember it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. --Dave
💎Dave’s Diamonds: “Through”💎
The word “through” is one of the most important words in the Bible, especially in the context of Philippians 4:13 where we read, “I can do all things through Christ who strengths me.” I was reflecting on this verse the other day and noticed the apostle Paul boldly claims that we can do all things. Not some things or a few things, but all things. I love Paul’s confidence that we can do all things. Often our negative thoughts get in the way of us doing all things. Our past failures can get in the way of us doing all things. Our own limited view can cause us to fall short of us doing all things. But, the good news is that it is not up to us. The word through is such a key word in this passage for we can do all things through Christ.
The next time you face an obstacle or challenge and the next time you get discouraged because something didn’t go as planned, remember to lean into Christ and rely upon Him. It is through our relationship with Christ whereby we gain access to heaven and through Christ that gives us a power and an ability far beyond our own. I invite you to reflect upon this verse and find the incredible gift of God’s presence and peace that is available through Him. –Dave
P.S.  Vicki and I celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary today. It was 105 degrees at the Community Presbyterian Church in Terry, Montana, 32 years ago when we began this wonderful journey together.
💎Dave’s Diamonds: “Traveling Jesus”💎
I’m writing this installment of my “Diamonds” from Denton, Montana, where we have taken Jesus on the road. Denton is a small farming and ranching community, located about 40 miles northwest of Lewistown in central Montana. As we have done every year for the past 10 years, we are leading Vacation Bible School in this community. In essence, it’s a road trip with Jesus.
Come to think of it, Jesus spent a lot of time on the road. He traveled many miles during his short three years of ministry. Even before he was born his family had to take a road trip to Bethlehem to be registered for the Roman census. Most of the stories we read about Jesus involves him going somewhere. Actually we never hear of Jesus having a house or an office and he never seems to settle dawn in one place for too long.
Jesus is a great traveling partner. He is always in a good mood, easy to get along with, and never complains about having to stop for a bathroom break. He is never late getting up and willing to sleep anywhere. The next time you have to go somewhere, be sure to take Jesus long with you. Jesus reminds us in Matthew 28:20, “And remember, I will be with you always until the end of the age.” Jesus is a great traveling partner and invites us to take him along our adventures in life. –Dave

💎Dave’s Diamonds: “Dental Floss”💎
I get my teeth cleaned twice a year and twice a year I promise my dental hygienist that I will do a better job with flossing. I leave making a promise to improve my flossing practices. For a day or two I am committed, but then I find myself returning to my old ways of brushing without flossing. It’s the same conversation with my hygienist visit after visit after visit.
It’s easy to make promises, but so hard to change. I have good intentions and I know that flossing is beneficial for my oral health, but I just can’t seem to get the floss into my mouth. For you it my not be flossing, but we all struggle with putting good things into practice. Maybe it’s using fowl language, drinking, smoking, gossiping, overeating, overspending, under-exercising, or a myriad of other choices. The Bible talks a lot of about the pitfall of giving lip service to things we need to change in our lives. In one particular verse, James writes, “Be doers of the word and not hearers only” (James 1:22). Every six months I hear from my hygienist the importance of flossing daily, but I don’t put it into practice. I am good at hearing, but not very good at doing. I want to do better in my life and I hope you do as well. God has the best design for us and when we put his word into practice, we will live our best lives. Stay strong and encouraged in your faith. Now, where is that dental floss?   –Dave

💎Dave’s Diamonds: “Super Kindness”💎
At our Vacation Bible School program on Monday I was talking to the kids about super powers, specifically asking the question, “If you could have one super power what would it be?” The answers came fast and furious: the ability to fly, the ability to teleport myself, the ability to climb buildings, and the ability to run really, really fast. I love kids and the imaginations they have. Of all the answers that one might expect from elementary aged kids, one response surprised me. A little girl said, “I wish for the super power of super kindness.” What a neat response! Imagine if we lived in a world where our number one wish was to be more kind. Imagine the difference we could make with our kindness. Unfortunately, we live in a world that is divided politically, socially, and economically. Many are easily offended by what is said, whether it has any merit or not. The Bible in Ephesians 4:32 encourages us to extend kindness, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Like this young child, may we strive for kindness and see what kind of difference we can make. It will not only help others, but also benefit us. –Dave

💎Dave’s Diamonds: “Scuba”💎
We are going to go on an underwater adventure next week with our Vacation Bible School theme of “Scuba.” I love the water; in fact, I have said many times to my family, “I was born to swim.” My spirit animal is a dolphin and water makes me feel alive more than anything else I have experienced in life. I’m sure some of this comes from my formative years as I was born in Alaska and had always lived within 30 miles of the ocean—until coming to college at Montana State. Water is amazing and what is under the water is even more amazing. Coral, reefs, fish, and urchins have their own habitat under the sea. During my years as a commercial fisherman in Alaska, we brought some very interesting things up from the sea, including sharks, eels, jellyfish, octopus, and lots of salmon.
The ocean, for many of us, can be scary because of its unknown nature. We tend to fear what we cannot see. In many ways heaven can cause some fear. What will it be like? Will I be welcomed in? What will we do there? are a few questions that cross our minds when we think about heaven. As with the ocean we only get a small glimpse of heaven. There is a wonderful verse in 1 Corinthians 13:12 that says, “For now we see as only in a mirror dimly, but then we will see face to face.” What awaits us in heaven is greater that what we can image and, like the ocean, provides an expansive and vast place of life and abundance. Let us look forward in confidence what awaits us as we dive even deeper into our faith. –Dave

💎Dave’s Diamonds: “A Greater Love”💎
Memorial Day is a time to show our appreciation to our veterans and current military and their families. Many Memorial Day celebrations will take place around our communities this Monday. I have a great appreciation for our military and all who have served. The military is based on the foundational virtue of service: service to our country, community, and fellow soldier. This virtue seems to be diminishing in our “what’s in it for me” society. Many of us look first to our own interests, needs, and wants. Service to others seems to take a back seat.
Jesus reminds us in John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” Jesus sets the bar high as he reminds us that great love involves great sacrifice. Albert Einstein noted, “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” Our best life involves helping and assisting others. I invite you to take some time this Memorial Day weekend to reflect upon the gift of sacrifice that many have given. Let’s not just stop there, but may we offer ourselves to others in a way that will be helpful and useful. May God bless you and your families! --Dave

💎Dave’s Diamonds: “Grateful”💎
I am grateful for a congregation that is growing as we will add 24 new members to our church family this Sunday. These people come from various backgrounds and situations, yet they all have one thing in common—they have found our church to be a place of welcome and spiritual growth. Jesus gave this invitation to all people, “Come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens” (Matthew 11:28). The way of Jesus is the way of grace and renewal. There are times when we come to Jesus worn out, with a limp in our step, and heaviness upon our shoulders. This invitation to come to him is an invitation to bring our anxieties and cast our worries upon Christ. It is such a great relief to know that it is not up to us and that we have someone much greater than us to help us through this journey of life. As we come to Jesus, may we find in him a relationship that encourages our faith and helps us grow as people of God. I am grateful to be a part of a welcoming and fun congregation which is alive and inviting new people into our fellowship. –Dave

💎Dave’s Diamonds: “Adaptability”💎
What makes a good mom? A recent Google search indicates the top answers to this question: someone who is nurturing, present, and has empathy for her children. I am grateful for a wonderful mom and hope the same is true with you. One of my mom’s greatest qualities is her ability to adapt to a variety of places where we have lived as a family. I was born in the small native village of Hoonah, Alaska, located on a remote island in southeast Alaska with a population of 700.  Our family also lived in Concord, California, located just 40 miles east of San Francisco with a population of 100,000. If you ask my mom what has been her favorite place to live she will answer, “I have enjoyed all of the places we have lived.” She has the great gift of adaptability. There is a neat verse tucked away in Proverbs 31 where King Solomon is writing about the attributes of a virtuous woman. “She is clothed with strength and dignity; and she can laugh at the days to come” (Proverbs 31:25). The phrase “she can laugh at the days to come” indicates a person who has a non-anxious and adaptable nature. We don’t always know what the future will bring and we can’t always predict the next twist or turn of events in life. But when we can approach the future with laughter and joy, we will live a life that brings fulfillment and flexibility. My prayer is that you can laugh at the days to come. Stay strong and encouraged in your faith. –Dave

💎Dave’s Diamonds: “Sanity Restored”💎
Do you ever feel that your life is out of control? Ever feel as if you are barely hanging on? Our small group that meets on Sunday nights came across an incredible insight from scripture last Sunday evening. We were studying Daniel 4 where King Nebuchadnezzar had grown the Babylonian empire into the wealthiest, most powerful, and most sophisticated kingdom at the time. It was King Nebuchadnezzar who built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon for his wife, to help raise her spirits and alleviate her homesickness. These Gardens are identified as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The King’s success and pride that build the great city of Babylon also led to his demise and fall and caused him to lose everything. We find him lost, confused, alone, and wayward as his kingdom begins to crumble.
There is a great nugget of truth that is found at the very end of this chapter. The scriptures tell us, “At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored” (Daniel 4:34). What an remarkable passage that tells us of an incredible truth. When we take our eyes off of God and focus on our own selfish desires, chaos and confusion can rule our lives. Like the King we can become lost, discouraged, and disoriented. But when we look to God and find our source of hope and strength in the Lord, our sanity is restored. The calm and steady presence of the Lord gives us the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner. What a gift we have from the Lord. Remember to look up and find in God the one who can bring calm out of chaos and peace out of despair. Stay strong and encouraged in your faith. –Dave

Dave’s Diamonds: “The Fringe”💎
There are many people who feel like they live on the fringe...the fringe of society, the fringe of popularity, or even the fringe of acceptance. Some live on the fringes of a city, many receive fringe benefits, and even a few wear their hair in a fringe. Fringe, by definition, means the outer edges of an area, product, or social group. Image the woman who we learn about in Mark 5 who has been sick and tired for 12 years. She has seen doctor after doctor, yet instead of getting any better her condition is growing worse. She hears of Jesus and his amazing power to heal and restore people to health. She thinks to herself, Why not? As she approaches Jesus she says to herself, Even if I just get close and touch the outer fringe of his garment, I will be made well (Mark 5:28). Because of her medical condition she lived on the fringe, pushed away by society and ostracized by her family. And yet it was the fringe of Jesus that she touches and as a result she received healing. You and I have written people off, have pushed some to the outer edges of our friend groups, and haven’t given them much of a chance. But Jesus does. He allows the marginalized to come close to find in him the one who can do something that no one else can. Jesus invites us to come close, touch his fringe, and find in him the one who can make all things new. Stay strong and encouraged in your faith. –Dave

💎Dave’s Diamonds: “I’ll Be Back”💎
The phrase “I’ll be back” is famously connected with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1984 movie The Terminator. This saying has become a catchphrase for many over the past 40 years. Long before this phrase was made famous by Schwarzenegger, Jesus uttered similar words. But instead of these words being seen as a threat, they are words of promise, and in my opinion one of the greatest promises we have in all of scripture. Jesus says to his disciples in John 14:2. “I will come back and take you to be with me.” Allow these words to sink in a little bit. Read and reread them several times. Jesus himself will come back and take us to be with him. He is not going to send an associate or a servant. He will come back to us in his own personal rescue mission to bring us back to God. We will arrive in heaven to the welcome of our savor and redeemer Jesus. What an incredible promise. Do you ever wonder what the transition to heaven will be like? We are assured that we will have our own tour guide and our own representative to help us through this process. I am comforted by this promise and thankful for God’s provisions to be with us all that way to the finish line. Yes, with love in his heart and compassion in his eyes, our risen Savior says “I’ll be back.” Stay strong and encouraged in your faith. –Pastor Dave

💎Dave’s Diamonds: “Too Hard”💎
Have you ever quit something because it was just too hard? Maybe a job was too demanding, a sport too strenuous, or a relationship too challenging. Most of us have gotten to the point where we just can’t do it any longer. I worked as a commercial fisherman during my college years in Alaska and considered many times about giving up due to the long hours and difficult work. I have realized that these challenging times mold and shape us into who we are and prepare us in handling obstacles that come our way.  Jesus found himself in a tough spot in the Garden of Gethsemane just prior to his arrest and crucifixion. He pleads with God, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). God’s gift of salvation for all of humanity was not only precured on the cross, but fought for in the Garden of Gethsemane. Imagine if Jesus gave up in the Garden and walked away from the hard road that was in front of him. Imagine if he said “I can’t do this any longer” and decided to go a different direction, an easier path. Jesus fought through these feelings and brought forth our salvation. Thanks be to God that Jesus didn’t say it was too hard, too demanding, or too strenuous. He got through the pain in order that we might experience the gain of new and eternal life. May we find a greater strength from the Lord who endured the cross and paid the price for our sins. Stay strong and encouraged in your faith. –Pastor Dave
First Presbyterian Church
2420 13th Street West
Billing, MT 59102
