Join us for worship on Sundays at 8:30am and 10:30am

Adult Education

We, at First Presbyterian, believe that education is a life-long learning process.  Because of this belief we offer a number of opportunities for adult to learn about issues pertaining to faith on Sunday morning and  during the week.  Here are some of the classes we are currently offering adults:

  • Sunday Morning Adult Christian Education Opportunities:   Pastor Dave normally teaches a class every Suday morning at 9:15 AM during the school year. These class are ususally geared to help people grow int heir faith, gain a better perspective of the Bible, and deeper their relationship with God. Recent classes have included series on angels, the Apostle Paul, dreams, the book of Revelation, Getting to Know the Gospels. This class is held in the Fireside Room.
  • Church and Society, in its 40th year at our church, provides a different guest speaker each Sunday morning at 9:15 AM in our Church & Society Room. This class offers ways to see how the christian faith influences so many different aspects of our community.  Our monthly schedule for Church and Society is in our monthly newsletter.  See the link to the newsletter under the home page of this website.
  • Lenten Lunch and Learn series: Join Pastor Dave during the season of Lent (the 40 day period prior to Easter) for a time to learn more about God.  The group gathers each Tuesday during the season of Lent in the Fireside Room from 12noon to 1:00 PM. 
  • New Member Classes are offered throughout the year for people wishing to join the church and/or those wanting to learn more about our church. These classes are taught by Pastor Dave.  Watch the weekly bulletin or monthly newsletter for the next class.

Adult Christian Education Opportunities:

  • Men's Bible Study
    • Meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month from 12:00-1:00 PM in the Fireside Room for study and fellowship. All men are invited and encouraged to attend.  We are currently studying ther Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5-7.  Join us for this fascinating study intended to help men develop their faith.
  • Women's Bible Study
    • Gathers on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:00 AM in the fireside room for Bible study and fellowship.  All women are invited to attend.  This group is currently studying several of the New Testament books.
  • Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)
    • An internationally recognized Bible study for women, meets at our church on Thursday morning from 9:00-11:00 AM for worship, Bible study, and prayer.  About 200 women are enrolled in BSF at our church this year.  The group is currently studying the New Testament book of Romans. 
  • Bible Lunch Time (BLT)
    • ​​​​​​​Meets on Wednesdays from 12:00-1:00 PM in the church library.  Led by the Rev. Doug Johnson, chaplain at Billings Clinic, BLT is open to all in our community who desire to gather over the lunch hour for study and discussion.  The group is currently studying a book related to the Christian faith.
  • Presbyterian Women's (PW) Groups
    • ​​​​​​​Are very active in our congregation with five groups currently meeting. These groups meet once a month, on the third Wednesday at varous times throughout the day.  All women are invited and encouraged to be a part of our church's PW group, where friendships are developed and faith increased.  For specific meeting times for the circle meetings, please contact the church office.

Check out our church calender under the events tab for a full schedule of educational opportunities offered through our congregation.