Dave’s Diamond: “New”

We all like new things: the smell of a brand new car, a new baby that you hold for the first time, the new restaurant that opens after much anticipation. There is nothing like the feel of new bedsheets, a new pair of shoes, or a new suit or dress. Most of us like to experience new places, learn new skills, and meet new people. The sense of newness sparks interest and excitement and triggers the release of endorphins associated with pleasure and reward. As we enter into a New Year I hope that you will feel a sense of excitement when it comes to your faith. We are reminded in the Bible, “Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation; the old life is gone and the new life has begun” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Within this verse we find a great promise. The old life, the old way of doing things, the baggage we keep, and the problems we carry do not have to remain with us. As we come to know Christ and his redemptive power and grace we can shed those things from our lives and live a life that is new and transformed. I look forward to this new year and the promised new life that we have in Christ. Happy New Year to you and your family! --Dave
Dave’s Diamond: “It’s Time!”
“It’s time,” Vicki said at about 3:30 in the morning on Saturday, October 1, 2005. “Come on, Dave. Get up, it’s time,” she said again, nudging me from sleep. “How do you know?” I asked. “Oh I know,” she responded with confidence and certainty. By the tone of her voice, I knew it was time. We got up and made our way to the Jamestown Hospital where Erin was born about seven hours later. What I have learned from the births of our three kids, babies don’t wait to arrive until it’s convenient. Rather, they come when they are ready.
We see this play out with the birth of Jesus. Having traveled almost 100 miles from Nazaeth to Bethlehem by foot and animal, Mary and Joseph arrive in Bethlehem for the Roman census. Delayed in their travels, they arrive in Bethlehem only to find that there is no room in the local hotel. They were relegated to a stable where animals were kept. Certainly, not the cleanest and most hygienic of all settings. It was here where God said, “It’s time.” We are told in Like 2:6, “While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.”
It’s only fitting that Jesus was born in this manner: in the small town of Bethlehem, like the prophets projected; to a young couple trying to figure out life and how to handle a new baby; among animals and shepherds, making this story relatable to the poor and lonely. It was here in this place where God entered humanity, becoming one with us. And in this relationship God invites us to become one with Christ, receiving the gift of salvation and new life that is offered freely through God’s grace.
It’s time! Yes, it’s time to celebrate our savior’s coming into our world. I hope to see you this evening for our Christmas Eve services at 5pm and 10pm. Our 5pm service will be broadcast through our church’s Facebook feed at www.facebook/fpcbillings. It’s time!
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One of the best definitions of grief that I have come across is “the distance between expectations and reality.” Grief is the difference between “I thought this was going to happen” to “This has happened.” As popular psychologist Dr. John Delony describes, it is the difference between pictures and reality: I had pictured life going this way, but reality turned out to be much different. It is in this dichotomy that we find the emotion of grief. Grief can happen in a variety of situations and circumstances. We grieve the loss of loved ones, pets, and jobs. The emotion of grief can settle in as a result of an accident, injury, transition, or life change. It happens to all of us, regardless of age, gender, or religious affiliation. There is a beautiful verse in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 that suggests as people of faith that we do not grieve like others, but rather we grieve with hope. The line between expectations and reality can be devastating and debilitating, but when you can look ahead and see something greater in the distance, we are given hope. Will I ever get through this? Will this pain ever come to an end? Will my sorrow ever subside? As people of faith we can answer yes because hope moves us forward a little step at a time and a little closer to the coming of the Lord. Perhaps you are experiencing a season of grief. As you drive through that fog of despair, remember that the sun will rise and the clouds will subside. Allow the hope of God to continue to move you forward with God’s power and peace. Stay strong and encouraged in your faith. --Dave

πDave’s Diamond: “Picked”π
“I’ll take Jim…I’ll take Steve…I’ll take Brian…I’ll take Jeff” and back and forth it went while I stood in line waiting for my name to be called. And with each name called that wasn’t David, my posture slipped and my emotions dipped. We all have been there, picked over like a bruised banana in the produce bin. Maybe it wasn’t for a kickball game, like my experience years ago. Perhaps you were picked over for a promotion, raise, award, scholarship, job, or relationship.
It might surprise you, but you were God’s first pick. That’s right! We are told in Ephesians 1:4, “God picked you before the creation of the world.” This is an incredible verse and I invite you to allow these words to sink deep within your soul. Before the mountains were formed and the rivers were put in motion, before the trees were planted and the sun set in place, God had you in mind. You matter, you are significant, you are worth it!
It’s easy to get down and discouraged and fall into despair. But, be encouraged by these words in Ephesians. God called your name and he called you first! --Dave
πDave’s Diamond: “Worth”π
I mowed up a $20 dollar bill last week. Apparently it had fallen out of my pocket and I saw it just a fraction of a second before it disappeared under the mowing deck. By then it was too late to back up and reverse my course. The bill ran through the blades, the shoot, and into the hopper. I thought for sure it was a goner, shredded into oblivion. But to my surprise, as I opened the hopper to empty the grass, I found two of the larger pieces of the bill and was able to tape them back together and trade it in for a fresh bill at the bank. You see, even though it was battered and bruised, torn in two and written off, it still had value.
Ever feel this way? Ever feel like you have been run over by a mower? Ran through a shoot and hopper? Written off and depleted? Most of us have been there! Perhaps a relationship has left you this way, or a job, a DUI, financial mistake, or a lapse of judgment. The great thing about the Lord is that he is in the redemption business. Just when you think your life is over and your value has been compromised we are reminded, “In Christ we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our sins, according to the riches of his grace” (Ephesians 1:7).
This verse gives us hope as it reminds us that we have value and worth and that we have been redeemed by the Lord. Don’t let the world keep you down. May these words penetrate ours heart and soul as the Lord puts us back together and gives us value and worth. --Dave